
Tourism Destination Positioning and Partnership Marketing

With the significant downturn in worldwide tourism in recent years, many countries, tourism regions and stakeholders face extreme financial pressure. The scramble to rebuild is mixed with hope of a revival and new cyclical increase in demand occurring within the next two or three years. However, insufficient planning will considerably constrain chances of achieving acceptable growth. Now is an ideal time to revisit Tourism destination positioning, and to plan for access to new funding through effective partnership marketing.


Positioning in Tourism can be compared to other industries, except in Tourism the advantage involves unique differentiation to create an emotional sensation that touches the heart and mind of customers. A further challenge is communicating the proposition globally when, for example, Americans can see things differently and may be more likely respond to a variation on the global message.


Partnership marketing is “a natural” for the Tourism industry. There are so many stake holders that can be brought in at both the supply end and the demand generation end. It can provide access to a much larger pool of promotion money to reach a far greater audience, but requires special skills to succeed.


 Williams Aviation Consultants Inc. offers companies and organizations invaluable skills and expertise in Tourism Destination Positioning and Partnership Marketing through a knowledge base built from many years of experience.


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